Vital Statistics
Accu-Search Registries Inc. is uniquely positioned to provide Vital Statistic (VS) certificates quickly, usually the same or next business day! (Note that for any same-day delivery, certificates must be ordered prior to 11:30 a.m. that day.) Those include birth, death and marriage certificates. We order the certificates online, and they are subsequently printed by the Government of Alberta during a daily print. Our runner picks up the completed documents and returns them directly to our offices through each business day.

Please note that you must visit our Edmonton office in person to order your own VS certificate or marriage licence. Please contact us for further information. If you reside outside Alberta, please contact Registry Connect directly.
Proof and verification of identity is required to ensure that these certificates are only issued to authorized persons. The Certificates themselves cannot be laminated because they are original documents containing some security features.
Vital Statistics Forms
- Application for Birth and Stillbirth Documents
- Application for Marriage Documents
- Application for Death and Legal Change of Name Documents
Note: Forms generally open better by saving to your desktop and opening from there.
Marriage Licence
The couple being married must obtain their marriage licence, which is valid for 90 days. Blood tests are not required! However, the couple must each bring in sufficient acceptable identification and proof of their eligibility to re-marry if applicable (final divorce judgment, etc.), and be prepared to swear or affirm an affidavit that we will prepare for them.
View a list of marriage commissioners in your area.